Frederick Lau

Info Table

NameFrederick Lau
Birthday17 August
Net worth$2 Million
Frederick Lau

In the scene of German film industry, Frederick Lau is known as a symbol of versatility, skill and talent. He has been active in the film industry from a very young age as a promising young actor to this day as a respected idol in the industry. His journey has been filled by talent, determination and a strong dedication to his profession. His unmatched dedication to his work has resulted him to work in more than 50 projects till this day.

Net worth

As one of the most talented and sought after actors of Germany Frederick Lau has accumulated a considerable amount of fortune which is estimated to add up to 2$ million in net worth. Meanwhile this is just estimated amount while the exact amount is still not monitored due to the fluctuating nature of the entertainment industry.

Frederick Lau

His success in both film and T.V industry along with couple of brand endorsements deals and brand partnership he has collected a good amount of fortune for himself which is in millions of dollars.

Early Life, Education and Parents Details

Frederick Lau was born on August 17 1989 in West Berlin. His childhood has not been as easy as others. He was raised by his single mother where his father was mostly absent so his mother had to raise him alone putting all the family responsibility on her shoulders. His mother used to work as a nurse. He had to face many much difficulties and challenges in his childhood.

Despite of all those family and financial challenges his mother raised him as a brave, work ethic person. Maybe because of all those hardships and challenges he has now become a successful public figure which gave him the motivation to stay in discipline and achieve his goals.

Frederick Lau

While he grew up in Berlin he found is love for acting at a very young age where he enrolled in acting classes and workshops which sharpened his skills and building a foundation to his acting career. Due to his family background he had to face many backlashes but his determination was bigger than that which made himself a strong competitive artist in film industry.



2002Heinrich Wormsbecher
2003Matz Selbmann
2005standard bearer
2007Rico Bartsch
2008Jürgen Brücker
Tim Stoltefuss
2013Daniel Klemm
2016Peter Munk
Jens Fauser
2020Man from Beirut
Rising High
2022Wolke unterm Dach
Frederick Lau


2001Doppelter Einsatz Berlin – Wehe dem, der liebt
Dr. Sommerfeld – Neues vom Bülowbogen
Wie angelt man sich einen Müllmann?
Jonathans Liebe
2002Drei Stern Rot
Kleeblatt küsst Kaktus
Der Tod ist kein Beinbruch
2003Rotlicht – Im Dickicht der Grossstadt
Wer küsst schon einen Leguan?
2004Sterne leuchten auch am Tag
Der verzauberte Otter
2005Leipzig Homicide
2006Cologne P.D.
Polizeiruf 110
Unsere 10 Gebote
Cold Summer 
Destined to Witness
2007Der Kriminalist
Wie verführ ich meinen Ehemann
Liebling, wir haben geerbt!
An die Grenze
2008Eugen’s Welt
2009Ein Dorf schweigt
Der neue Tag
Notruf Hafenkante
Doctor’s Diary
Der Lehrer
What You Don’t See
Ihr Auftrag, Pater Castell
2010Neue Vahr Süd 
2011Go West – Freiheit um jeden Preis
The Sinking of the Laconia
Open the Wall 
2014Not for Cowards 
Berlin One 
20174 Blocks

Controversies and Relationships

Like most of the celebrities Frederick Lau is also involved in controversies through out his career. In 2015 he was allegedly accused in a scandal of illegal substance abuse. However he refused to the scandal to be of any truth. He might be innocent in this case but this news got viral all over social media which ultimately got negative impact on his public fame and name. After all these allegations he stood strong and focused on continuing on his work.

Frederick Lau

Frederick Lau is very good in keeping his private life secured from public. One of the most talk of the town relationship was with actress Alina Levshin who was his co star from the film “Victoria”. After all these talks their relationship remain unknown to the public. Currently he is married to Annika Kipp with whom he started dating in 2013 and got married in 2015. They have 3 children in total.

More info

Height1.76 m
BirthplaceWest Berlin

Image Source: Getty Images

FAQ’s about Frederick Lau

Where is Frederick Lau from?

Frederick is from Berlin, Germany.

Is Frederick Lau married?

Frederick Lau is married to Annika Lau.

Does Frederick have Instagram?

Yes, Frederick does have an Instagram account with the username @officialfredericklau with over 266K followers.

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